The Top 3 Things to Remember as a Youth Minister
We must understand the humble position God has placed us in as we open the Word of God with the souls of the greatest among us.
Not Calvinist, Not Arminian
When John Calvin lines up with the Bible, I am a Calvinist. When Jacob Arminius lines up with the Bible, I am an Arminian. When they do not, which is usually the case, I am neither.
Healthy Communication in Marriage
Everywhere we go, we are painting a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ’s love relationship with his church for everyone to see. If we are serious about reaching unbelievers with the gospel, and the picture we are painting for them with our marriages is a mess, then how will they understand the love relationship that Christ desires to have with them in their lives?
Are you willing: Considerations for Bible Study Evangelism
But if you are willing to be a learner, willing to love the worst of the worst, willing to listen to the needs of lost souls, and willing to lead those you minister to, then there will be that one sheep that left the 99 who will find a home forever in heavenly places. Are you willing?
Does the New Testament believer need to tithe?
Dear Christian, you cannot afford not to give!
The Discipleship Program Problem
To safeguard against this, it is worth our time and effort to ensure that our approach to making disciples in the local church is biblically, not academically, sound.
What does Pastoral Accountability Look Like?
Their obedience led them into private worship that would fuel their public ministry. They didn’t have to question what God wanted them to do, where God wanted them to go, and they had no guilt being in a quiet place sitting at the master’s feet. They had accountability, and they loved it and flourished in it.
Superstition in the Church
Superstitious practices enter the lives of believers and our church congregations through a slow rejection of biblical authority. If we rightly divide the preserved and inerrant word of truth, we will not fall prey to the lies of false spirituality.
Pursuing Missions in Hostile Areas
If you don’t realize that you are to bring forth truth in the midst of hostility, then you have most likely already been rendered ineffective by the enemy. The invitation into a walk with the Lord is to take up your cross and follow (Mat 16:24), to join in the fellowship of his sufferings (Php 3:10). Hostility is promised from the outset.
When Free Will Matters
The clear truth is that we have a biblical foundation of morality that we all must be held to account for. There are right and wrong decisions, and we have the ability to make them or miss them.
(In)dependent Women: The Difference Between Trusting Yourself and Trusting Christ
If what we’re depending on has the potential to fail us, then we’re on unstable ground. Only God is never failing, so if we depend on him, we can be sure that all things will work together for good.
Jesus Wins: A Rebuttal of Love Wins by Rob Bell
God does love us. There is no denying that. But we cannot dismiss the fact that God doesn’t want to force us to love him. The Bible is clear that we have to choose to believe in Jesus and love God back for what he’s done for us.
Returning Home: How to Spread the Gospel After Leaving Your Local Church
Much of the work to spread the gospel at home happens before one ever returns there: learning to own the great commission, getting equipped, and allowing the Lord to fitly join you to your local church that can continue to be a support when you return home.
The Value of Writing in Your Bible
Personal cross-referencing helps us not to forget all that God has taught us through our study and the preaching and teaching of our local churches.
6 Characteristics of a Godly Father
“Our Living Faith Fellowship is passionate about making disciples and sending leaders, but how sad would it be to miss the mark with those for whom we are most accountable?”
A Biblical View of Biological Sex and Gender
In his infinite wisdom, in which the creative order and design for mankind could exist in any other combination, God chose this one: that men and women constitute the two concrete biological realities, that these are to be correlated with their identities, and that all of this is both right and good.
A Biblical View of TranshumanismS
Transhumanism is a violent departure from the idea that man was created in God’s image in Genesis 1:26, instead seeking to make ourselves gods after our own image.
How do you transition back into ministry?
God doesn’t differentiate faithfulness by what is sparkly, fancy, easy, or even hard. Faithfulness is just doing what he asks us to do (not what he asks someone else to do).
Faithful and Fruitful: Women on the Mission Field
God can use anyone anywhere to accomplish anything he desires.
A Philosophy of Biblical Teen Mentorship
Mentorship isn’t temporary, and it isn’t some lesser investment before getting to “real discipleship”. It is discipleship.