Discipleship Central
An Living Faith Bible Institute Resource to Support Local Churches in Learning About Discipleship
The ministry of discipleship is “the ministry” of the local church. At Discipleship Central, the goal is to equip local churches with the philosophy, scriptural identity and the practical implementation of biblical discipleship.
This resource of LFBI will take a leader through training modules that are aimed to be an interactive study. The leader will be put in contact with someone from LFBI to support the individual and their representative churches in their training. We hope it’s a blessing.
What is Discipleship Central
Every disciple is a believer, but not every believer is a disciple.
Biblical discipleship is the process of being a student and follower of Jesus Christ. It centers on the believer’s moment-by-moment, day-by-day walk with Christ through His Word.
51% of churchgoers in the United States have never heard of the Great Commission.* The mission has fallen on very hard times in the United States.
The focus of Discipleship Central is to envision and equip pastors and church leaders to make disciples in their local churches by providing them with the proper training, tools and resources.
Through the training modules and resources, pastors and leaders will be equipped to succesfully implement a biblical discipleship philosophy in their local churches for the glory of God.
We note that it is not a class or curriculum, but the transformation of the individual believer in conformity to Christ and His Word, under the structure of the local Church.

Learn More About Disciple Making
Understand more about what it looks like to have a church body with a culture and philosophy of accountability and discipleship.