MAR 16, 2025 - MAR 19, 2025

Discipleship Conference

We Are Always Making Disciples

The Disciple Conference is a time of fellowship, strategy, and training that calls us to consider the question, "Are we effectively equipping the next generation?"

Discipleship isn't a ministry of the local church, it is THE ministry of the local church. Disciple Conference is about how to be disciple-makers and how to grow disciple-making ministries and churches. Here you will receive training in the philosophy of biblical discipleship as well as the tools necessary to implement a discipleship ministry within your church.

Kenny Morgan / Crest Bible Church / Kansas City Kansas

Dan Reneau / Living Faith Lee Summit / Lee Summit Missouri

Mark Schaffer / Living Faith Tampa / Tampa Flordia

Matt Braucher / Northside Baptist Church / Dublin Ohio

Main Speakers:


Monday Morning Session:

Dan Reneau - The necessary evidence of a leader in ministry

Tuesday Morning Session:

Mark Schaffer - Identifying the essential work of church planting

Wednesday Morning Session:

Matt Braucher - Discerning the right time and place

Plan your stay at Discipleship Conference

Oakland Heights Baptist church
16 Highland Way NE, Cartersville, GA 30121

The Disciple Conference is a free conference besides room and board which must be arranged by attendee.


Host Homes
Host Homes are available via Oakland Heights families. Let us know if you'd like to stay with someone. Our folks would love to be given to hospitality.

The Hampton Inn offers a conference rate of $119/night. Mention 'Disciple Conf' and 'Oakland Heights' when reserving a room.

Nursery & Children's Ministry is available for Birth-5th grade during evening worship services. An overflow room will be available for families during morning sessions.

*Providing children's information in registration helps with pre-service Check-In.

Plan Your Stay for Discipleship Conference