A Right Identity with Riches
Earthly happiness is temporary, fleeting, and often dependent on other people and events outside our control… A life lived for earthly riches ends in emptiness. Fulfillment, however, is forever. When we Christians invest in others eternally, we will never lose that joy.
The Precious Jewel of Suffering
When we think about Job solely as a story of suffering, we fail to see the bigger picture: this whole life and ministry thing isn’t about us. God wants to do something bigger and better in and through us by the refining fires we endure.
“Literally, That’s What He Said.”
Unfortunately, there are many believers who are caught up in a similar cycle. Instead of focusing on what God has literally said through his word, they choose to focus on what they assume God really meant. And their lives reflect their private interpretation through the immaturity of their relationships and the drama that seems to follow them wherever they go in life.
The Plagues of Egypt
While there are certainly nuances to which pagan deity or deities God was attacking with each plague, it is clear from the context of scripture that God was indeed taking aim at the pagan deities of Egypt with each successive plague. However, it is important to keep in mind that these plagues were not only a judgment on Egypt, but a sign to God’s chosen people Israel that proved the veracity of Moses’ ministry and their call to leave Egypt.
The Repentance of God
“In our thinking, repentance is the business of the sinner or the carnal believer. So, if that is true, if the LORD repented of something, was it because He sinned? God forbid… the LORD’s repentance is not identical to that of mankind.”
Are the Lost Truly Lost?
Inclusivism suggests that since Christ is the solution it would not be fair for God to condemn those who never knew they had a problem, and, since we know he is good and fair, surely God would never condemn those who never had a chance to receive Christ. It would feel nice if this were the case, and we could assume most people are heaven-bound with a right relationship with God through their best efforts; however, those who preach the gospel would be pretty deplorable, the worst enemies of mankind—spreading the “good news” would be sending people to hell! But what does the Bible say about this inclusive logic?
Not Calvinist, Not Arminian
When John Calvin lines up with the Bible, I am a Calvinist. When Jacob Arminius lines up with the Bible, I am an Arminian. When they do not, which is usually the case, I am neither.
Does the New Testament believer need to tithe?
Dear Christian, you cannot afford not to give!
When Free Will Matters
The clear truth is that we have a biblical foundation of morality that we all must be held to account for. There are right and wrong decisions, and we have the ability to make them or miss them.
What did Jesus leave us with?
Although Jesus Christ ascended into heaven, we can have real, meaningful fellowship with Him — spirit, soul, and body — because He replaced all three parts of Himself.
7 Biblical Proofs for the Deity of Christ
There is perhaps no doctrine of the Bible that has been attacked with greater subtlety yet vehemence than the doctrine of the deity of Christ—the indisputable fact that Jesus Christ is God and very God.
Five Reasons Why Hell Exists
The reality of hell is that God loves all of us, but not all of us love God back. Not all of us accept his love, and God will not force that love upon us, because love is not love if it is coerced.
Has the local church come and gone?
If you really think the local church is that bad, that hurtful, and that harmful to the cause of Christ (and some churches truly are), then love the Lord Jesus Christ enough to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.
Beloved, Try the Spirits: Identifying False Teachers
Since the Spirit of God told us that “evil men and seducers” would “wax worse and worse,” we have to ask ourselves: just how many false teachers and seducers must there be in the world 20 centuries later?
The Existence of Satan
When we understand that Satan’s purpose is to oppose God and assert himself as god in the place of God, then we clearly see his opposition and adversarial nature in everything in our world.
Separation and True Holiness
The last century of American history is a story of contradiction that resulted in a false sense of holiness within Christian culture. How do we transcend those models and come back to true holiness, the holiness described is scripture?
A Biblical Viewpoint on the Rapture
The problem with the post-tribulation rapture teaching. is that it causes us to look at the mountain rather than the Mountain Mover…. I’m not looking for the tribulation; I’m looking for my Saviour
What is the Role of "Deacon"?
Culturally, the office of deacon is often misapplied and mispracticed in churches today. The qualifications to hold the office of deacon convey that this is an office of great significance. The question to be answered is, “What is the role of the deacon?”