Is Evolution Scientific?
However you look at it, everything did indeed come from something. All material things have a beginning. Evolutionists state that everything came from something, but they do not yet know that something.
Snake Oil Spirituality: New Thought, Christian Science, and the Prosperity Gospel
It’s Christ who strengthens us and gives us the ability to face any season of life. We aren’t to seek out either being abased or abounding, but to meet each with contentment and trust in the grace of God.
Superstition in the Church
Superstitious practices enter the lives of believers and our church congregations through a slow rejection of biblical authority. If we rightly divide the preserved and inerrant word of truth, we will not fall prey to the lies of false spirituality.
(In)dependent Women: The Difference Between Trusting Yourself and Trusting Christ
If what we’re depending on has the potential to fail us, then we’re on unstable ground. Only God is never failing, so if we depend on him, we can be sure that all things will work together for good.
Jesus Wins: A Rebuttal of Love Wins by Rob Bell
God does love us. There is no denying that. But we cannot dismiss the fact that God doesn’t want to force us to love him. The Bible is clear that we have to choose to believe in Jesus and love God back for what he’s done for us.
A Biblical View of Biological Sex and Gender
In his infinite wisdom, in which the creative order and design for mankind could exist in any other combination, God chose this one: that men and women constitute the two concrete biological realities, that these are to be correlated with their identities, and that all of this is both right and good.
A Biblical View of TranshumanismS
Transhumanism is a violent departure from the idea that man was created in God’s image in Genesis 1:26, instead seeking to make ourselves gods after our own image.
Youth Ministry During the Pandemic
Regardless of the circumstances surrounding us, whether they are health related or political, God’s mission to reach the world and save souls never changes. We are a part of that mission, therefore our main goals and objectives in ministry stay the same, even in uncertain times.
Don’t Get Distracted
Christian, please don’t let the devil win in your life by distracting you from the real mission of winning souls. Don’t lower yourself and abandon your high calling just so you can fight for an earthly kingdom. Our true, eternal citizenship is in heaven.
Homegrown Heresy: All-American Cults
I could point to a lot of things we seem to share in common with groups like the LDS, but with all of them we have to ask: is it common truth or just common terms?
How to Respond When Children Leave the Faith
There will come a time in every parent’s life when you will not be able to control what your children do. They will make their own decisions. They may make decisions that go against what you have taught them. At this point, you must trust in the Lord with all your heart.
The Blessing of Unity
I can't help but think that the world would give anything to see people from all walks of life live together in genuine love, unity, and peace. This is what Christ has given us, and it is so very precious.
Does your church take children’s ministry seriously?
The future of our churches is solely dependent on biblical discipleship at all levels. Our children need to know both the Lord and His works, and it’s our responsibility to show them what He’s doing.
Don’t Take the Bait
Contrary to the racial narrative being propagated, this is not a racial issue. Racism is merely a symptom. Sin is the real problem, and it will never be solved through politics and legislation.
So, what are glorified bodies?
Our earthly bodies cannot enter heaven to be with God because they are corrupted by sin. So, God has designed a new body for every believer in Jesus Christ. This new body is incorruptible and immortal.
5 Biblical Guidelines for Processing National Catastrophes
Christians cannot just offer the best things a lost man can do on a good day. We need to take these moments when people are overwhelmed with national traumatic events, when the world looks to churches and pastors, and bring those people the gospel.
Dirt Plus Experience: 5 Things You Should Know about Being a Pastor’s Wife
A wife is a biblical role, but the biblical qualities of a wife don’t change based on who you’re married to. My husband is called to a pastoral ministry. In my role as his wife, my biblical responsibility is to him and the Lord as his help meet. My responsibility to you as a church member is to follow God’s word and operate as an “elder woman” of our local church body. How a pastor’s wife grows into that role as a teacher is the same as how any woman learns to teach the younger: through (often the pain)
Christ’s Work in the Holy Land
God loves the nation of Israel, and he has been working for thousands of years to draw her into a holy and loving relationship with himself. He is by no means finished with the Jewish people. What God promises, he fulfills.
Are You a Disciple or One of the Crowd?
Jesus is always leading his disciples to listen, learn, and live his word, and he is always leading the multitudes to a point of decision. Are they going to choose to count the cost to become a disciple or not?
Five Reasons Why Hell Exists
The reality of hell is that God loves all of us, but not all of us love God back. Not all of us accept his love, and God will not force that love upon us, because love is not love if it is coerced.