Principles Matt Braucher Principles Matt Braucher

A Change of Plans From The Lord

First, do we have a plan? Second, and just as important, is our plan flexible enough to allow God to participate and make changes as he sees fit? Finally, when he speaks, how long do we wait before responding in obedience?

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Principles Mason Wilson Principles Mason Wilson

Technology & Teens: Principles for Guarding Kids from the Dangers of the Internet and Social Media

…if we allow ourselves to be consumed by our devices, then we will undoubtedly be ineffective in the mission we have been given. If we are to make disciples of all nations, then we cannot be obsessed with ourselves. If we are to reach the nations, then we must live in victory over stress and anxiety. How are we to be workmen in the word, how are we to delight in and meditate on the book if we cannot give attention to it? We are barely scratching the surface on the effects of the internet on our hearts and minds.

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Principles Justin Trotter Principles Justin Trotter

The Value of Marriage Retreat

And that’s the beauty of pursuing righteousness—because preventative measures were taken, you never have to find out the consequences of a passive, wicked decision. Diligently and intentionally pursuing righteousness in our marriages is essential to fulfill our responsibilities to one another as husband and wife, and it will keep us from having to dig ourselves out of a hole that could have been avoided altogether.

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Principles James DeKoker Principles James DeKoker

Healing a Ministry After Hardship

The Christian is not promised exemption from suffering or sorrow; instead, Scripture guarantees persecution for the godly person. Furthermore, for the great heroes of the faith, Scripture records even greater amounts of hardship… But the greatest suffering was endured by the greatest one – Christ Jesus.

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Principles Seth Keenum Principles Seth Keenum

Give Me Liberty!

My liberty is not a liberty that says I can make a life for myself, make a name for myself, be whatever I want to be, have whatever I want to have, or change whatever I want to change. My freedom is meant for one thing and one thing only: to let Christ live through me, and that means I am to extend the love of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world, to selflessly lay down my flesh, my desires, and my hopes and dreams to love others, to fulfill the law of Christ!

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Principles Tony Godfrey Principles Tony Godfrey

What does Pastoral Accountability Look Like?

Their obedience led them into private worship that would fuel their public ministry. They didn’t have to question what God wanted them to do, where God wanted them to go, and they had no guilt being in a quiet place sitting at the master’s feet. They had accountability, and they loved it and flourished in it.

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