A Change of Plans From The Lord
First, do we have a plan? Second, and just as important, is our plan flexible enough to allow God to participate and make changes as he sees fit? Finally, when he speaks, how long do we wait before responding in obedience?
Technology & Teens: Principles for Guarding Kids from the Dangers of the Internet and Social Media
…if we allow ourselves to be consumed by our devices, then we will undoubtedly be ineffective in the mission we have been given. If we are to make disciples of all nations, then we cannot be obsessed with ourselves. If we are to reach the nations, then we must live in victory over stress and anxiety. How are we to be workmen in the word, how are we to delight in and meditate on the book if we cannot give attention to it? We are barely scratching the surface on the effects of the internet on our hearts and minds.
The Value of Marriage Retreat
And that’s the beauty of pursuing righteousness—because preventative measures were taken, you never have to find out the consequences of a passive, wicked decision. Diligently and intentionally pursuing righteousness in our marriages is essential to fulfill our responsibilities to one another as husband and wife, and it will keep us from having to dig ourselves out of a hole that could have been avoided altogether.
Healing a Ministry After Hardship
The Christian is not promised exemption from suffering or sorrow; instead, Scripture guarantees persecution for the godly person. Furthermore, for the great heroes of the faith, Scripture records even greater amounts of hardship… But the greatest suffering was endured by the greatest one – Christ Jesus.
Give Me Liberty!
My liberty is not a liberty that says I can make a life for myself, make a name for myself, be whatever I want to be, have whatever I want to have, or change whatever I want to change. My freedom is meant for one thing and one thing only: to let Christ live through me, and that means I am to extend the love of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world, to selflessly lay down my flesh, my desires, and my hopes and dreams to love others, to fulfill the law of Christ!
How to Make Biblical Higher-Education Work: Principles for the Local Independent Baptist Church to Consider
What I can say is that it is of the utmost importance for every church to have a plan for training godly men and women to take the gospel to the world. This isn't a tertiary or passive endeavor, it’s a central and urgent endeavor.
Humility, submission, and the local church
If you are humble enough and attentive enough, you can learn something from anyone. And dare I say, God has something to teach you from your current local church, your current pastor, and your current spiritual leaders that he has put in your life.
Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?
Are you skeptical of Jesus? Let the Son of God speak to you to prove who he is.
An Occasion to the Spirit: Biblically Using Liberty in Christ
Liberty is the believer’s right in Christ, but all too often they willingly trade it in for bondage.
Learning to Trust God with Your Finances
I came from nothing. Jesus is the only something I have and ever will have. He deserves first place in everything. Give Him what He r
Ministry in Retirement: Are You Fit to Serve?
The Great Commission is without exception or expiration date. Retirement is not an excuse to pull back from ministry, but rather should be a huge opportunity to increase our ministry service.
The Top 3 Things to Remember as a Youth Minister
We must understand the humble position God has placed us in as we open the Word of God with the souls of the greatest among us.
Are you willing: Considerations for Bible Study Evangelism
But if you are willing to be a learner, willing to love the worst of the worst, willing to listen to the needs of lost souls, and willing to lead those you minister to, then there will be that one sheep that left the 99 who will find a home forever in heavenly places. Are you willing?
Does the New Testament believer need to tithe?
Dear Christian, you cannot afford not to give!
The Discipleship Program Problem
To safeguard against this, it is worth our time and effort to ensure that our approach to making disciples in the local church is biblically, not academically, sound.
What does Pastoral Accountability Look Like?
Their obedience led them into private worship that would fuel their public ministry. They didn’t have to question what God wanted them to do, where God wanted them to go, and they had no guilt being in a quiet place sitting at the master’s feet. They had accountability, and they loved it and flourished in it.
The Value of Writing in Your Bible
Personal cross-referencing helps us not to forget all that God has taught us through our study and the preaching and teaching of our local churches.
6 Characteristics of a Godly Father
“Our Living Faith Fellowship is passionate about making disciples and sending leaders, but how sad would it be to miss the mark with those for whom we are most accountable?”
How do you transition back into ministry?
God doesn’t differentiate faithfulness by what is sparkly, fancy, easy, or even hard. Faithfulness is just doing what he asks us to do (not what he asks someone else to do).
The Fool Hath Said: A Discussion on the Existence of God
I will often ask individuals, “Who must we convince of the existence of God?” The biblical answer is no one.