Missions Cheney Perkins Missions Cheney Perkins

The Call to Missions in Kenya

I just graduated from the University of Missouri Kansas City with a bachelor's degree in finance. Like most 23-year-olds, my plan was to begin a career, find a wife, and start a family. I had plans for my future and I was content with how everything was playing out. But then God opened up the opportunity to go to Kenya for a year.

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Missions Josh Keatts Missions Josh Keatts

The Ministry of the Military Chaplain

The military will get chaplains but how many that enter will serve God and allow for the Bible to be their ultimate authority? The military is in need of godly men prepared, ready, and willing to share the gospel. Ezekiel issued a challenge to the men of Israel to stand in the gap in Ezekiel 22:30 saying, “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” I hope and pray that other men will join me to stand in the gap while Jesus delays his return.

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Missions James Fyffe Missions James Fyffe

Pursuing Missions in Hostile Areas

If you don’t realize that you are to bring forth truth in the midst of hostility, then you have most likely already been rendered ineffective by the enemy. The invitation into a walk with the Lord is to take up your cross and follow (Mat 16:24), to join in the fellowship of his sufferings (Php 3:10). Hostility is promised from the outset.

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Missions, Principles Brian Clark Missions, Principles Brian Clark

Eat My Dust: Moving on from rejection

The best thing you can do with true rejectors is to leave them in your dust and focus your obedience upon those who are glad to hear. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted with vain questions and rejections or to be derailed by harsh words and hurt feelings. All you can do is leave them behind and aim your interest at those who are interested.

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From Evangelism to Church Planting | Mission Focus 2020

As a newbie to Mission Focus, I wasn’t sure what to expect. The reality is that it was exactly what I needed as a pastor to bring the totality of the Mission into clear Focus. I was able to witness firsthand the culmination of evangelism, discipleship, ministry training, and church planting. I heard personal testimonies of people who were won to Christ through evangelistic Bible studies. People were open and excited about being involved in discipleship. We celebrated those graduating from LFBI. Andew Ong was ordained into the pastoral ministry. Missionaries from all over the world were prayed over and supported. And many surrendered their lives completely to the Mission. 

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Missions Melissa Wharton Missions Melissa Wharton

Teaching: The New Missions Frontier

“Teachers are trained and seasoned to lead people and teach people, to guide people and to counsel people, to minister to people,” Jeff says. “You’re learning skills that translate from spiritual truths, like go make disciples.”

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Missions Andrew Ong Missions Andrew Ong

The Promised Land: Faith for a Mission Focus

We are in need of a Mission Focus, not because we have forgotten the Great Commission or because we don’t know what discipleship is. We need a Mission Focus Conference because we need our faith to be bolstered. The Living Faith Fellowship needs their sabers rattled by being brought into remembrance of how God does great things with “small people”.

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Missions Dan Reneau Missions Dan Reneau

What I Learned from Planting a Church

I believe Satan knows that if our leadership will not stand united, then we will never accomplish the Great Commission. And so because of that, I would rather choose to be defrauded; I would rather choose to take the wrong with my brother or sister if it means God’s kingdom is expanded by one soul.

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