Dirt Plus Experience: 5 Things You Should Know about Being a Pastor’s Wife

Dirt Plus Experience: 5 Things You Should Know about Being a Pastor’s Wife

A wife is a biblical role, but the biblical qualities of a wife don’t change based on who you’re married to. My husband is called to a pastoral ministry. In my role as his wife, my biblical responsibility is to him and the Lord as his help meet. My responsibility to you as a church member is to follow God’s word and operate as an “elder woman” of our local church body. How a pastor’s wife grows into that role as a teacher is the same as how any woman learns to teach the younger: through (often the pain of) experience.

Eat My Dust: Moving on from rejection

Eat My Dust: Moving on from rejection

The best thing you can do with true rejectors is to leave them in your dust and focus your obedience upon those who are glad to hear. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted with vain questions and rejections or to be derailed by harsh words and hurt feelings. All you can do is leave them behind and aim your interest at those who are interested.