From Evangelism to Church Planting | Mission Focus 2020

As a newbie to Mission Focus, I wasn’t sure what to expect. The reality is that it was exactly what I needed as a pastor to bring the totality of the Mission into clear Focus. I was able to witness firsthand the culmination of evangelism, discipleship, ministry training, and church planting. I heard personal testimonies of people who were won to Christ through evangelistic Bible studies. People were open and excited about being involved in discipleship. We celebrated those graduating from LFBI. Andew Ong was ordained into the pastoral ministry. Missionaries from all over the world were prayed over and supported. And many surrendered their lives completely to the Mission. 

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Principles, Living Faith Fellowship James DeKoker Principles, Living Faith Fellowship James DeKoker

Why Church Membership?

Whether your church implements an explicit directory of members or not, God calls you to the highest devotion to your local church body and its individual members. Implementing a definitive church membership appears to be both biblically sound in light of scripture’s teachings for the church and practically effective to the needs of our people.

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Doctrine Brian Hedges Doctrine Brian Hedges

Has the local church come and gone?

If you really think the local church is that bad, that hurtful, and that harmful to the cause of Christ (and some churches truly are), then love the Lord Jesus Christ enough to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

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Doctrine Josh Keatts Doctrine Josh Keatts

The Existence of Satan

When we understand that Satan’s purpose is to oppose God and assert himself as god in the place of God, then we clearly see his opposition and adversarial nature in everything in our world.

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Code Blaise Code Blaise

Three Applications of Scripture

One of the greatest evidences for the preservation of scripture is the principle of the three applications. What other book can have three applications in one passage? Only God’s word can do that.

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Kenny Morgan Kenny Morgan

Counseling in Discipleship

Early on in my discipling, I found it very sobering that counseling scenarios were landing on my desk instead of the pastor’s! As comforting as it would have been for me to have them go the pastor at that time, I realized that, as the teacher in the discipleship relationship, I had to trust God for wisdom in the moment to properly minister to the disciple.

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Doctrine Alan Shelby Doctrine Alan Shelby

Separation and True Holiness

The last century of American history is a story of contradiction that resulted in a false sense of holiness within Christian culture. How do we transcend those models and come back to true holiness, the holiness described is scripture?

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Doctrine Web Ministry Doctrine Web Ministry

What is the Role of "Deacon"?

Culturally, the office of deacon is often misapplied and mispracticed in churches today. The qualifications to hold the office of deacon convey that this is an office of great significance. The question to be answered is, “What is the role of the deacon?”

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