Discipleship Nick Hatton Discipleship Nick Hatton

The Other Judas

From the one mention of Judas speaking, we see that Thaddaeus had a desire to see others have the same opportunity that he had. He wanted people to know Jesus Christ because he had a heart for those who were without a relationship with the Savior.

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Discipleship Mark Rhodes Discipleship Mark Rhodes

The Zealous Disciple

The zeal that Simon, called Zelotes, had was useful. We aren’t told what exactly he was zealous for, but we can assume that it was for the things that Jesus taught and commanded, otherwise he wouldn’t have been of much use to Jesus. What about us? What should we be zealous about?

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Discipleship David Gelvin Discipleship David Gelvin

Matthew: Changed for Good

His physical posture is changed from sitting in the receipt of custom, to standing and following Jesus. His identity is changed from Levi, “joined” to this world and sin, to Matthew, a “gift of God.” His mindset is changed from self-indulgent to self-denying. And his purpose is changed from living for himself to living for God.

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Discipleship Gordon Kimble Discipleship Gordon Kimble

Lessons from the Life of Philip the Disciple

Philip’s life is quite relatable to a modern-day disciple of Christ. He was a believer and earnestly wanted to follow Jesus. But he wasn’t perfect. He lacked faith at moments and failed to understand spiritual truths at other times. He was corrected, and chose to submit, rather than walk away.

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Discipleship Andrew Best Discipleship Andrew Best

The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved

When John was in a room, he had no personal objectives or agenda. His purpose was whatever Jesus was pursuing. And when no clear purpose was presented, John’s priority was what Jesus wanted. And when we see in scripture the group simply fellowshipping together, John’s place was as close to Christ as he could be.

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Discipleship Nick Hatton Discipleship Nick Hatton

Andrew: A Disciple Behind the Scenes

In that moment it required that they believe in something and someone that they had not yet had the chance to fully understand. But their faith allowed for that process to come to fruition. And that process is something that we all know and believe in, which is biblical discipleship.

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Kale Horvath Kale Horvath

Grammar & Guitar Strings

When you commit to the sacrifice of learning the target language of the people you are trying to reach, you instantly gain a rapport with them. You aren’t some swindler or charlatan who showed up to gather a crowd or to make a buck. You’re in it for the long haul.

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