Principles Mason Wilson Principles Mason Wilson

Technology & Teens: Principles for Guarding Kids from the Dangers of the Internet and Social Media

…if we allow ourselves to be consumed by our devices, then we will undoubtedly be ineffective in the mission we have been given. If we are to make disciples of all nations, then we cannot be obsessed with ourselves. If we are to reach the nations, then we must live in victory over stress and anxiety. How are we to be workmen in the word, how are we to delight in and meditate on the book if we cannot give attention to it? We are barely scratching the surface on the effects of the internet on our hearts and minds.

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Doctrine Alan Shelby Doctrine Alan Shelby

Separation and True Holiness

The last century of American history is a story of contradiction that resulted in a false sense of holiness within Christian culture. How do we transcend those models and come back to true holiness, the holiness described is scripture?

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