Discipleship David Gelvin Discipleship David Gelvin

Matthew: Changed for Good

His physical posture is changed from sitting in the receipt of custom, to standing and following Jesus. His identity is changed from Levi, “joined” to this world and sin, to Matthew, a “gift of God.” His mindset is changed from self-indulgent to self-denying. And his purpose is changed from living for himself to living for God.

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Principles, Social/Topical Cheryl Miles Principles, Social/Topical Cheryl Miles

Dirt Plus Experience: 5 Things You Should Know about Being a Pastor’s Wife

A wife is a biblical role, but the biblical qualities of a wife don’t change based on who you’re married to. My husband is called to a pastoral ministry. In my role as his wife, my biblical responsibility is to him and the Lord as his help meet. My responsibility to you as a church member is to follow God’s word and operate as an “elder woman” of our local church body. How a pastor’s wife grows into that role as a teacher is the same as how any woman learns to teach the younger: through (often the pain)

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