Why Study English Grammar as a Bible Student?
The more that you understand the ins and outs of English grammar, the more you’re going to be able to understand the ins and outs of the preserved word of God in English. Yes, you can understand great doctrines without being able to identify a prepositional phrase. But you can also get yourself into doctrinal trouble by misunderstanding how words in a sentence fit together.
The Repentance of God
“In our thinking, repentance is the business of the sinner or the carnal believer. So, if that is true, if the LORD repented of something, was it because He sinned? God forbid… the LORD’s repentance is not identical to that of mankind.”
Are you willing: Considerations for Bible Study Evangelism
But if you are willing to be a learner, willing to love the worst of the worst, willing to listen to the needs of lost souls, and willing to lead those you minister to, then there will be that one sheep that left the 99 who will find a home forever in heavenly places. Are you willing?
5 Keys to a Healthy Bible Study
Studying the Bible with others is one of the greatest gifts we have as believers. It is a privilege that we get to open God’s Word together, speak and cry out to the Father together, grow in love together, and look for ways to seek out the lost together. But we can only do this rightly if our groups are biblically healthy and mature.