
Prove It

Prove It

Storms come in all different shapes and sizes, and they happen to all different kinds of people. They aren’t fun to go through, and often, we are much more interested in the destination than the journey. But what matters most is, when you come out on the other side, are you the same person you were when you stepped on the boat, or did you allow Christ to further mold you into his image?

The Heart of the Discipleship Refresher

The Heart of the Discipleship Refresher

I am passionate about one-on-one discipleship because it pointed me to follow Jesus and not my pastor. I am passionate about discipleship because I had some deep-rooted beliefs that were challenged and corrected through the word of God. I am passionate about discipleship because it directed me to see the freedom in submitting to the authority of scripture… not just believing what the bible said, but also submitting to its truths. I am passionate about discipleship because I have seen many lives changed because of it.

Things I wish I had a greater respect for in my twenties.

Things I wish I had a greater respect for in my twenties.

Over the years the Lord has been gracious to mature me to a place where I can recognize the things I struggled to understand as a young man. Wisdom isn't limited by age but by your willingness to obey God's Word and be sensitive to the work of his Spirit. I pray all of the young people in our church learn to recognize their own spiritual blind spots and weaknesses and pray God lead them to mortify those things in light of his leading.