In our network of churches, we have surrendered ourselves to God through prayer. We believe that we can do nothing without prayer, without the Spirit going before us in power. If we are going to reach the world with the gospel, it will come as a result of our faith-filled requests. We are yielded to the work of praying for one another, for our friends and families, for our pastors, for our future leaders and for our missionaries with the heart to see the world impacted by God's word.1Tim 2:1-4
In our network of churches, we have surrendered ourselves to disciple and train our people in order to prepare them to minister the gospel everywhere in the world. 2 Timothy 2:2. We are yielded to a biblical philosophy and strategy for discipleship, knowing that God is looking for faithful laborers for his harvest. John 4:35
We are committed to training future missionaries, leaders and pastors through our bible school, Living Faith Bible Institute.
In our network of churches, we have surrendered ourselves to stewarding what God has given us by investing in world missions, church planting and training future leaders who are teaching the gospel. 2 Cor 9:7 We will yield our time, money and resources to support those who have gone and those who will go to minister outside our local churches.
In our network of churches, we are surrendered to go to the lost as a witnesses of the gospel. In Matthew 28 Jesus Christ asked his disciples to go, teaching and baptizing in his name. We are yielded to the work of sending faithful men and women to every city, state, nation and tribe for the sake of the gospel.